Web-based survey on sexual behavior and HIV prevention practices in gay men and men who have sex with men in Uruguay
Introduction: as gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM) constitute a population with a greater incidence of HIV, UNAIDS recommends regular surveillance by means of surveys that provide information that allows reporting prevention indicators. The implementation of these studies is limited in our context given the high complexity and costs of traditional methodologies.
Objectives: to generate updated information about HIV prevention, with an emphasis on condom use and to implement screening tests in gay/MSM population between 15 and 49 years old in Uruguay, using an innovative methodological strategy.
Method: transversal, analytical study by means of a web-based survey available between October and December 2019.
Results: 693 men were included in the study, 67% from Montevideo and 67% of which had university studies. 17% of them had been forced to have sex in the past, 20% had suffered abuse because of their sexual orientation and 68.4% concealed their sex-affective orientation to some extent. 57.2% used condoms in their last casual anal sexual relationship, what evidences a decrease with regard to 2012 (67.6%), whereas a growing tendency in the HIV test coverage (66%) was observed, when compared to previous studies. HIV positivity rate was 13.3%. The multivariate analysis revealed a lower probability of condom use was associated to: a stable partner in the last year, gay self-identification, HIV test in the last year and having the HPV vaccine. The greater likelihood of use was associated to: participating in informative activities, having sex with people with STD/HIV. The lowest probability of having an HIV test was associated to a stable partner and the highest was associated to knowing where they could get tested for HIV and also knowing about the post-exposure prophylaxis. When considering those who knew about the pre-exposure prophylaxis (375), 46.1% was willing to receive it and 1.3% had agreed to it.
Conclusions: the continuation of discrimination and violence towards gay men and MSM needs more effective right promoting actions. We need to integrate into prevention biomedical innovations that complement and leverage one another. The web-based survey was effective in terms of recruiting, although there were bias in the selection, what results challenging to improve the methodological strategy.
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