COVID-19 laboratory diagnostic


  • Pablo López Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital de Clínicas, Depto. de Laboratorio de Patología Clínica, Profesor adjunto
  • Raquel Ballesté Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital de Clínicas, Depto. de Laboratorio de Patología Clínica, Profesora
  • Verónica Seija Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital de Clínicas, Depto. de Laboratorio de Patología Clínica, Profesora agregada





Over 500 COVID-19 diagnostic tests are available in the global market or are completing the final stages of development. Within this unprecedented framework, it is important to learn about the different types of trials available and understand their role in the diagnostic process. An accurate diagnosis is key for the handling of the pandemic, since it allows for the right identification of cases and thus entitles authorities to take the subsequent control measures: search for contacts and isolation. This review describes the foundations and usefulness of the different types of etiological diagnosis. It also establishes the pre-analytical conditions required to apply them, their clinical sensitivity and specificity, as well as the right interpretation and issuance of results.


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How to Cite

López P, Ballesté R, Seija V. COVID-19 laboratory diagnostic. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];36(4):393-400. Available from:



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