Conflicts of interests


  • Francisco Cóppola


Doctors who advertise drugs or other items in a commercial. Scientific societies that recommend treatments with trade names. In hospitals, signs advertising teachers' offices often bear the name of a pharmaceutical laboratory. The medical records with which students come into contact for the first time have the same imprint. Consensus, publications and different meetings are in the same situation. Medical training, for a great majority, depends exclusively on brochures, magazines and conferences financed by the pharmaceutical industry. Conflicts of interest have invaded everything from the doctor, institutions, regulatory agencies, governments. Countless publications and reports on the matter appear in the scientific literature, and at the same time, efforts are being made to control an aspect of medicine that ultimately harms patients.


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How to Cite

Cóppola F. Conflicts of interests. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2007 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];23(1):3-6. Available from: