Cutaneous melanoma in Uruguay

Clinical and epidemiological survival in a cohort of patients assisted intwo reference centers between 2008-2017


  • Dahiana Amarillo Hospital de Clínicas-INCA, Servicio de Oncología Clínica, Asistente. Departamento Básico de Medicina, Asistente
  • Daniela De Boni Instituto Nacional del Cáncer. Dermatóloga
  • Florencia Nantes Servicio de Oncología Clínica. Posgrado
  • Clara Tambasco Servicio de Oncología Clínica. Posgrado
  • Carlos Brayer Instituto Nacional del Cáncer. Dermatólogo
  • Carlos Palacios Instituto Nacional del Cáncer. Dermatólogo
  • Virginia Giachero Hospital de Clínicas, Cirugía Plástica. Profesora Agregada
  • Gabriel Krygier Hospital de Clínicas, Servicio de Oncología Clínica. Profesor Agregado





Cutaneous melanoma is the tumour whose incidence has increased the most in recent years. This condition is highly lethal in advanced stages. In our country the annual average of cases adds up to 129 in men and 117 in women, there being 50 and 30 respectively, every year.
Objective: to describe and analyse the clinical and epidemiological profile and survival in a cohort of patients who are carriers of cutaneous melanoma and were assisted in two reference centers in Montevideo between 2008 and 2017.
Methods: we conducted a descriptive, retrospective, observational study of historical cohorts, based on a review of the medical records in patients with a diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma assisted in the Oncology Service of the University Hospital and the Skin Oncology Unit of the National Cancer Institute between 2008 and 2017, with a follow-up until March 31, 2018.
Results: 173 pacientes were analysed, median age was 61.2 years old (14-89), 50.3% were men and 49.7% were women. Nodular anatomo-clinical presentation was the most frequent form (32.7%), followed by superficial spreading (28.9%), other forms being less frequent. Median global survival was not achieved, global survival after 5 years being 68.5% and 54.5% after 10 years. Median global survival in Stage 4 was 12 months (IC 95% 8.5-21.5).
Conclusions: the results in our series are similar to those reported internationally, in terms of global survival, the same as in most of the clinical an epidemiological characteristics. This is the first study with a cutaneous melanoma survival report in our country.


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How to Cite

Amarillo D, De Boni D, Nantes F, Tambasco C, Brayer C, Palacios C, et al. Cutaneous melanoma in Uruguay: Clinical and epidemiological survival in a cohort of patients assisted intwo reference centers between 2008-2017. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 21 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];36(2):146-54. Available from:

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