Seasonal variation of vitamin D in plasma levels

Its importance in clinical practice and health


  • Beatriz Mendoza Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Clínica de Endocrinología y Metabolismo. Profesora Agregada
  • Álvaro L. Ronco Instituto Universitario CLAEH, Facultad de Medicina, Epidemiología Oncológica. Profesor Asociado




An appropriate level of Vitamin D is important for bones and phosphocalcic metabolism regulation, as well as for immunomodulation, genetic regulation, hormone production and health along the vital cycle. Several observational studies have demonstrated a seasonal variation of vitamin D in plasma levels, usually the maximum being in summer and the minimum in winter. Geographical latitude plays an important role in the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation. Studies conducted in Uruguay in the 2000s confirmed the seasonal variation of plasma and focused on the phosphocalcic metabolism and osteoporosis, creating a therapeutic and preventive framework for this disease. Apart from the effects of calcemia and phosphatemia, vitamin D deficiency is involved in the origin or development of chronic diseases that are currently relevant, such as certain types of cancer, autoimmune, cardiovascular or degenerative diseases, as well as in the global mortality. From a clinical and public health perspective, it is important to understand the influence of seasons in vitamin D plasma levels in order to adequately evaluate and interpret individual measurements and supplements to combat the vitamin D deficiency, all of what requires knowledge updates.


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How to Cite

Mendoza B, Ronco Álvaro L. Seasonal variation of vitamin D in plasma levels: Its importance in clinical practice and health. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];32(2):80-6. Available from:

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