Update Workshop on Vertical Transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi

remarks and recommendations agreed on the Final Committee


  • María Catalina Pírez Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Pediátrica
  • Yester Basmadjián Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Parasitología y Micología
  • Daniel Borbonet Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Neonatología
  • Gustavo Giachetto Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Pediátrica
  • Gonzalo Giambruno Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Neonatología
  • Washigton Lauría Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Ginecotocológica
  • Gustavo Pérez Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Pediátrica
  • Roberto Salvatella OPS-OMS. Asesor Regional en Chagas y Punto Focal en Enfernedades Transmisibles
  • Luis Calegari Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Parasitología y Micología




Once vectorial transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi disappeared and transfusion-transmission was controlled, vertical infection constitutes the only relevant transmission mode in our country. The fact that there are chronically infected adults leads to the risk of congenital Chagas Disease, which may occur in more than one generation with the same ascendancy. Indeed, constant human migration results in the risk of congenital transmission being present throughout the country, thus exceeding the endemic areas initially defines by the presence of domicile vector. Therefore, vertical transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi does not respect borders or generation boundaries and its sub-diagnosis has resulted in the emergence of several cases. Thus, reality leads to the remarks and recommendations that follow below, with the purpose of promoting the right control of this parasitosis.



How to Cite

Pírez MC, Basmadjián Y, Borbonet D, Giachetto G, Giambruno G, Lauría W, et al. Update Workshop on Vertical Transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi: remarks and recommendations agreed on the Final Committee. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 12 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];33(4):274-6. Available from: https://revista.rmu.org.uy/index.php/rmu/article/view/92

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