Serotoninergic syndrome

Two cases reported to the National Center of Pharmacovigilance (Centro Nacional de Farmacovigilancia)


  • Susana Rodríguez Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Toxicología, Asistente
  • Salomé Fernández Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Toxicología, Asistente
  • Mabel Burger Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Centro de Información y Asesoramiento Toxicológico, Profesora Directora. Centro Nacional de Farmacovigilancia, Codirectora




Two cases of drug interaction by antidepressive and antianxiety drugs were reported de the harmacoviligance National Center. Clinical presentation showed non-sleep alterations, neurovegetative and neuroskeletal symptoms.
Immediate withdrawal of the treatment stopped symptomatic course. Clinical manifestation might be due to serotoninergic syndrome. A discussion on diagnosis, Etiology, causes and treatment is presented.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez S, Fernández S, Burger M. Serotoninergic syndrome: Two cases reported to the National Center of Pharmacovigilance (Centro Nacional de Farmacovigilancia). Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2005 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];21(1):78-82. Available from: