A possibility of social consensus
Background. Abortion as a non-penalized operation was discussed in Uruguay in the previous Parliament and seems to become part of the current agenda.
The debate has focused on the ‘solution of terms’, a regulatory system that supports a free option to interrupt pregnancy within 12 weeks of gestation.
In this context Uruguayan society and judicial opinion were involved in a partial discussion, limited to the evaluation of the ‘solution of terms’, dismissing other approaches.
Objectives. To propose a social and legal approach of pregnancies under risk conditions able to solve the dichotomy between penalized-not penalized abortion system.
Conclusions. Abortion legislation in the Uruguayan penal code is inefficient to deal with abortion under risk conditions because it is addressed to jury, not considering a medical area.
At the same time, term-solution basis project is opposed to Uruguayan Constitution and Human Rights Interamerican Convention considerations on embryo dignity.
A sanitary legislation replacing penal legislation, that allows pregnancy interruption according to a State regulation but maintaining abortion as an offence could be a third option.
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