Myocardial ischemia from dibutylone use


  • Antonio Pascale Hospital Británico, Departamento de Emergencia, Profesor adjunto de Toxicología. , Médico toxicólogo
  • Eleuterio Umpierrez Universidad de la República, Facultad de Química. Instituto Polo Tecnológico de Pando, Unidad de Medio Ambiente, Drogas y Doping. Profesor adjunto de Química
  • Jorge Menoni Hospital Británico, Departamento de Emergencia, Profesor adjunto de Clínica Médica 1, Médico internista
  • Virginia Collazzi Hospital Británico, Departamento de Emergencia, Médica cardióloga
  • Virginia Rodríguez Hospital Británico, Departamento de Emergencia, Asistente de Clínica Médica 1, Médica internista





Synthetic cathinone are stimulating synthetic drugs used for recreational purposes on their own or as adulterants in cocaine and amphetamines derivatives that are traded in illegal markets given their stimulating and disturbing properties on the central nervous system.

Globally, there is a growing number of acute intoxications and complications as a consequence of consumption of these substances. In Uruguay they were first detected in 2015, there being limited epidemiological data. Synthetic cathinone are not detected by the immunochromatographic tests available at the laboratories of the emergency services in our country. The study describes the first case of intoxication by a synthetic cathinone (dibutylone) in Uruugay, in a 45 year old patient as a result of powder sold as “ecstasy”. The patient presented an acute coronary syndrome, subsequent evolution being good. Diagnostic confirmation was made in urine using   gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The chemical structure of dibutylone and its action mechanism explain the clinical manifestations and the coronary vasospasm causing ischemia. When there is no clear sign of a patient having been exposed to this substance and upon the current epidemiological state, the presence of clinical symptoms that are compatible with a stimulating drug and a negative result for cocaine and amphetamines in immunochromatographic tests must lead us to be suspicious about the presence of synthetic stimulating substances as cathinone, as in the case studied.


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How to Cite

Pascale A, Umpierrez E, Menoni J, Collazzi V, Rodríguez V. Myocardial ischemia from dibutylone use. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];36(4):449-54. Available from:

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