Tuberculosis in dialysis patients in Uruguay


  • Cecilia Baccino Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital de Clínicas, Centro de Nefrología
  • Carlota González Registro Uruguayo de Diálisis
  • Patricia Larre Borges Hospital Pasteur, Servicio de Nefrología
  • Mariela Garau Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital de Clínicas, Centro de Nefrología
  • Jorge Rodríguez Comisión Honoraria para la Lucha Antituberculosa y Enfermedades Prevalentes
  • Óscar Noboa Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital de Clínicas, Centro de Nefrología





Objectives: this study aims to estimate the risk of tuberculosis in patients with renal replacement therapy (RRT) and to analyse the variation of its incidence, clinical presentation and prognosis.
Method: retrospectve study from 1995 to 2013. Data was drawn from the Uruguayan Dialysis Registry and the Honorary Commission for the Fight against Tuberculosis and Prevalent Diseases (CHLA-EP). We analysed diagnosis, clinical presentation, tuberculin tests, evolution and mortality. Likewise, variations in incidence, risk and temporary relation of replacement therapy were studied.
Results: in 18 years, 10,516 patients received chronic dialysis in Uruguay and 13,083 cases of tuberculosis were diagnosed. 1.4% (n= 119) of all cases of tuberculosis during that period were patients in renal replacement theraphy (RRT).
The incidence of tuberculosis in the general population during the period studied was 21 every 100,000 patients/year (cp105) vs. 212 cp105 in RRT. The risk of tuberculosis was 8 times greater in RRT (SIR: 8 IC 95% (6.5; 9.3) patients. Average time of RRT at the time of diagnosis was 4 years (0 a 20), 37.8% of cases occurred in the first two years of RRT. However, incidence increased significantly after 9 years of RRT. Mortality in connection with tuberculosis in the general population was 10.3%, this figure being double in the RRT population (23.5%).
Conclusions: the risk of tuberculosis in RRT is greater and its mortality doubles that of the general population.


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How to Cite

Baccino C, González C, Larre Borges P, Garau M, Rodríguez J, Noboa Óscar. Tuberculosis in dialysis patients in Uruguay. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 21 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];36(2):140-5. Available from:

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