

  • Martín Rebella Sindicato Médico del Uruguay, Presidente


From the Medical Union of Uruguay we have always insisted on the commitment to research as a fundamental support of medical work.
We believe that the dissemination of scientific knowledge is part of our task as a professional organization and in this sense we are convinced that the Medical Journal of Uruguay plays a decisive role.

One of the few refereed journals in Uruguay today presents us with a new issue and is consolidated as a reference among the popular science publications. We are proud of it.
We do not want to miss this opportunity to insist that our country should devote more resources to scientific research. More resources do not only mean more budget, is to give relevance, is to put energy, is to spread, is to encourage it. Therefore, from the Medical Union of Uruguay we contribute with what we can and call to do more. The best use of resources depends largely on having the right tools to do so and research is a permanent engine that feeds our vocation for better health for all. It is also the co-responsibility for which we work and invite the academic institutions, the government, all professionals and the public and private institutions involved to work together.
A country without research, without scientific knowledge, is a country that does not advance, that stops in time.
The Medical Magazine of Uruguay is an example of dissemination of Uruguayan scientific knowledge and will continue to be so. We are on that path and we intend to persevere in it.



How to Cite

Rebella M. Editorial. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];27(3):128. Available from: https://revista.rmu.org.uy/index.php/rmu/article/view/379

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