Assessment of X-ray follow-up for hip displacement in patients with cerebral palsy at the Pereira Rossell Hospital






Introduction: hip luxation is a severe complication in patients with cerebral palsy (CP), especially in gross motor functional classification system (GMFCS) III-V patients. Pelvic x-rays are necessary to identify this condition.
Objectives: to assess the x-ray follow-up in these patients and the early detection of this complication in  our hospital.
Method: the medical records and x-rays of 17 GMFCS III-V patients who were between 2 and 8 years old at the time of index pelvic x-ray were reviewed, measurement of the hip migration percentage according to Reimer´s index, the cervical-diaphyseal angle and calculation of the CPUP hip score for each hip. We assessed the follow-up x-ray a year later or later than that date, and in the even this had not happened, we would call the patients in for a control x-ray to identify the hips with an increase migration risk.
Results: 3 (18%) out of 17 patients assessed underwent a new pelvic x-ray a year later. 6 patients (35%) underwent one later than one year after and prior to the control visit planned, 7 (41%) patients were never controlled and they were called for a new x-ray in 2018. One patient (6%) was lost during follow-up. One patient had an increased risk hip (CPUP Score 50-60%), the rest had normal migration percentages.
Conclusions: few patients with PC GMFCS III-V underwent annual follow-up. Those monitored did not evidence progression of this condition. This study and the relevant literature back up the introduction of a surveillance program in our hospital. 


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How to Cite

Rehbein I, Teske V, von Heideken J. Assessment of X-ray follow-up for hip displacement in patients with cerebral palsy at the Pereira Rossell Hospital. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];35(4):281-8. Available from: