Results of the national audit form for gestational and congenital syphilis at the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center
Information: syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease is gradually increasing globally, in spite of it being an avoidable disease that may be diagnosed and treated both during pregnancy and in the post-natal period.
Objective: to validate the national audit form for gestational and congenital syphilis. To determine the current situation of syphilis at the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center.
Method: transversal descriptive study. The audit form was completed for the patients who were hospitalized in the postpartum patients ward at the Pereira Rossell maternity from between 12-18 November, 3-17 October and 1-30 November 2012.
Population: the clinical records of VDRL positive postpartum patients hospitalized at the Pereira Rossell Hospital were selected.
Results: after the pilot application of the form, the final version was defined to be applied nationally for gestational and congenital syphilis. During that period there were 1,096 births, and syphilis was diagnosed in 20 patients (1.82%).
Conclusions: applying this tool at the national level will enable the design of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of gestational and congenital syphilis in our country. Late diagnosis, no treatment for contacts and failure to perform the mandatory report constitute barriers for its eradication.
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