Mortality in a national Paediatric Hospital
Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell
Objective: To provide information to planning paediatric health care.
Method: A revision of clinical files from 118 dead infants at the Paediatric Hospital (Hospital Pediátrico del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell) during 1999. Deaths occurred in the Neonatology Unit were not considered.
Results: In hospital mortality rate was 1,01%. The major proportion of infant deaths occurred in the Intensive Care Unit (66%), 35,8% died in the Emergency Unit, and 9,4% in paediatric ward. In-hospital staying up to death was from 0 to 85 days; mean, 9,7 and median, 3. During the first 24 hours, 26 infants died, mortality rates with 24 hours: 0,76%. Half of the population came from Montevideo; the remaining half from other sites of Uruguay, this group showed higher mortality rates comparing to the Montevi-dean population. At decease, 45,7% were younger than 1 year; 57% were male. The main causes of deaths were as follow: acute low respiratory infection (24,6%%), accidents (14,4%), infectious diarrhoea (10,2%), tumours (7,6%), congenital abnormalities (6,7%), and sepsis (6%). Most infants (66%) were previously healthy. Paediatric pathologists carried out twenty-eight autopsies.
Conclusions: Prevention of infant morbimortality related to avoidable diseases and co-ordination between countryside hospitals and health centres with should be reinforced. It is also recommended complete autopsy and systematic auditory of every death.
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