Oncologic pain

An irresolute problem. Survey to resident physicians in the Hospital Maciel


  • Gabriela Píriz Álvarez Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica "1" Prof. Dr. G. Catalá, Asistente. Internista
  • Virginia Estragó Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica "1" Prof. Dr. G. Catalá, Residente
  • Cristina Pattarino Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica "1" Prof. Dr. G. Catalá, Residente
  • Teresa Sandar Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica "1" Prof. Dr. G. Catalá, Prof. Adj. Internista




Background. Pain, a symptom of high prevalence in patients with cancer, strongly undermines quality of life. Pain could be controlled in most of the cases following the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines (1986) that included the use of morphine. This health problem relies on health workers (lack of medical education, inaccurate beliefs), health structure, patients and their families.
Objective. To assess surgeons knowledge regarding WHO guidelines, especially those related to use of morphine to manage pain.
Methods. A transversal and descriptive study by means of a survey was done in the Hospital Maciel.
Results. 75% of the surveyed physicians do not know the WHO guidelines; 67% do not prescribe regularly morphine; 63% do not know that morphine has no maximum doses; 41% prescribe analgesic at request; 75% ignore the administration intervals of the drug. Secondary effects most indicated are those unfrequent. 43% of surveyed physicians have not read any paper during the last three years and 29% have read only one.
Conclusions. Resident physicians are unaware of WHO analgesic guidelines and the use of morphine. Possible solutions to deal this problem are indicated.


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How to Cite

Píriz Álvarez G, Estragó V, Pattarino C, Sandar T. Oncologic pain: An irresolute problem. Survey to resident physicians in the Hospital Maciel. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2004 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];20(1):32-43. Available from: https://revista.rmu.org.uy/index.php/rmu/article/view/929

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