Gender and health. Analysis of the incorporation of the gender perspective into the National Integrated Health System in Uruguay (2005-2020)
Review of progress and pending challenges
Gender entails peculiarities which reflect risks and vulnerabilities that affect health in different ways for men, women and sexual non-conformists. Health policies that fail to incorporate the gender perspective perpetuate inequalities that undermine the right to health to which all individuals are entitled. Gender mainstreaming in health public policies is of the essence to achieve gender equality in the provision of comprehensive health care for individuals. The research problem focuses on the pending challenges for gender mainstreaming in the health services available as well as in the health public policies undertaken. The study aims to explore the incorporation of the gender perspective into the National Integrated Health System in Uruguay from 2005 to 2020. The specific objectives are the following:
1) To analyse the extent to which the gender perspective was incorporated in the legal framework that regulates the the National Integrated Health System during the period studied.
2) To highlight the political priorities in connection with the gender agenda during this period of time.
3) To identify progress and obstacles in the National Integrated Health System during this period of time to enable gender mainstreaming in the health context. The methodological design proposed for this research consists in a qualitative approach by means of the triangulation of results obtained in the content analysis techniques applied to the National Integrated Health System regulatory framework and interviews to qualified experts.
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