Three cases of type I Gaucher disease

Clinics, diagnosis, molecular genetics and treatment


  • Aída Lemes Hospital Italiano, Dr. R. Quadrelli Instituto de Genética Médica, Área Errores Congénitos del Metabolismo, Médico
  • Berta Murieda Médico Hematólogo
  • Raúl Gabus Médico Hematólogo
  • María Jesús Roselli Licenciada en Bioquímica
  • Mariela Larrandaburu Médico Genetista
  • Alicia Vaglio Médico Genetista




Type 1 Gaucher disease is an inherited autosomal recesive disorder, determined by a deficiency of the acid ß-glucosidase enzyme and macrophage lysosomal storage of glucosylceramide. Common symptoms are visceromegaly, bleeding, anemia and bone pain; there is no central nervous system commitment.
It could appear in childhood or adulthood and might be asymptomatic. Many mutations have been detected. It has symptomatic and specific treatment.
The presentation includes three non-relative cases in which the disease appeared during adulthood; clinical, biochemical, molecular and treatment aspects are analyzed. The importance of diagnosis is highlighted.



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How to Cite

Lemes A, Murieda B, Gabus R, Roselli MJ, Larrandaburu M, Vaglio A. Three cases of type I Gaucher disease: Clinics, diagnosis, molecular genetics and treatment. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2006 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];22(1):73-7. Available from:

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