Acquired factor VIII inhibitors in a non-hemophilic patient

Case report


  • Sylvia Arias Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica 3, Prof. Adj.
  • Victoria Fonsalía Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica 3, Residente
  • Gabriela Casavieja Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica 3, Asistente
  • Eugenia Ruiz Díaz Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica 3, Residente
  • Carolina Chapper Hospital Maciel, Clínica Médica 3, Residente
  • Alicia Magariños Hospital Maciel, Servicio de Hematología, Hematóloga




A young woman showed an hemorragic syndrome secondary to an acquired deficit coagulation due to antibodies factor VIII inhibitors. Even if coagulation inhibitors are rare in non-hemophilic patients, this case is interesting since it shows a serious condition thay may produce death. Early diagnosis and treatment, as well as defining whether it is a primary alteration or a consequence of a subtle disease, are of capital importance. The paper includes a description of the steps to determine diagnosis and a review of the current therapeutic tools.


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How to Cite

Arias S, Fonsalía V, Casavieja G, Ruiz Díaz E, Chapper C, Magariños A. Acquired factor VIII inhibitors in a non-hemophilic patient: Case report. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2006 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];22(4):305-10. Available from:

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