Radical postprostatectomy irradiation

Preliminary results


  • Felix Leborgne Hospital Italiano, Departamento de Radioterapia. Clínicas Dres. Leborgne. Médico radioterapeuta
  • Sergio Aguiar Hospital Italiano, Departamento de Radioterapia. Clínicas Dres. Leborgne. Médico radioterapeuta
  • Julieta Mezzera Hospital Italiano, Departamento de Radioterapia. Clínicas Dres. Leborgne. Bioestadística
  • José H Leborgne Hospital Italiano, Departamento de Radioterapia. Clínicas Dres. Leborgne. Médico radioterapeuta




Introduction: the results of post-radical prostatectomy irradiation for prostate cancer were studied.
Method: 131 consecutive patients treated between 1994 and 2004 were analyzed. Thirty-eight patients underwent adjuvant irradiation for presenting high risk factors for postoperative local recurrence , and 93 due to biochemical relapses after surgery (59 of them presented a palpable relapse in the pelvis).
Results: the actuarial survival free of biochemical relapse, the specific cause survival and the global survival at five years after irradiation were 90%, 100%, and 97% for patients treated with adjuvant radiation therapy, and 65%, 95%, and 90% for patients treated with salvage radiation therapy, respectively. In the latter, when associated hormonal therapy has not been used, the verification of a decrease in the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) at 50 Gy leads to better biochemical control. Late urinary complications were more frequent than when only radiotherapy was used as initial radical treatment.
Conclusions: the results obtained confirm the trends observed in a previous preliminary publication on the benefits of post-prostatectomy radiotherapy.


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How to Cite

Leborgne F, Aguiar S, Mezzera J, Leborgne JH. Radical postprostatectomy irradiation: Preliminary results. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2006 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];22(4):293-8. Available from: https://revista.rmu.org.uy/index.php/rmu/article/view/662

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