The role of telemedicine in health organizations

Su rol en las organizaciones de salud


  • María Mercedes Chá Ghiglia Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Médico especialista en Nefrología





Introduction: during the health emergency caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine was promoted with the purpose of making health services more accessible and also to look after the health team. This study aims to analyse different aspects of telemedicine and its usefulness in the health organizations.
Method: a narrative review was conducted by searching the terms “telemedicine and organizations and quality and satisfaction” in Pubmed, to find publication in the last 5 years, both in English and in Spanish. Relevant articles were selected and complemented with referenced bibliography and official documents found in websites published by government agencies, as well as by academic or international organizations. All bibliographic sources reviewed are listed in the bibliography.
Results and discussion: telemedicine is defined as the clinical part of eHealth, corresponding to remote medical practices in real time or at some later time, by means of ICTs applied to health. These new technologies allow for new forms of practicing medicine, despite the fact the ethical principles of the medical act need to be kept. Programs in tele-radiology, tele-dermatology, tele-pathology and tele-psychiatry have already been implemented and multiple pilot projects for health care and research are being carried out. Further evidence is needed on the effectiveness, quality, access to services and savings in the costs of interventions for specific groups, and under certain conditions.
Conclusions: telemedicine may contribute to improving health services when they are included in a plan devised to meet both the users’ and the organization’s needs and the resources available.  The implementation of telemedicine may result in a greater access to health services at the different health care levels, with lower use of time and money for patients and organizations.


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How to Cite

Chá Ghiglia MM. The role of telemedicine in health organizations: Su rol en las organizaciones de salud. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];36(4):411-7. Available from:



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