Techniques and measures geared to reducing bleeding and the consumption of hemocomponents in liver transplant

Evaluation of the first two years at the Bi-Institutional Transplant Unit in the Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy specialization. Results of the participation of the Transfusion Medicine Department on the indicatio of deplasmatized bloodduring heart surgery preoperative period


  • Andrés Rodríguez Cantera Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas, Unidad Bi-Institucional de Trasplante Hepático. Hospital Pasteur. Sanatorio Americano. CASMU-IAMPP. Especialista en Hemoterapia y Medicina Transfusional. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas. Cátedra y Departamento de Hemoterapia y Medicina Transfusional. Asistente
  • Gabriela Cerviño Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas. Unidad Bi-Institucional de Trasplante Hepático. Especialista en Hemoterapia y Medicina Transfusional
  • Anaulina Silveira Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento Métodos Cuantitativos, Cátedra de Métodos Cuantitativos. Fundación Dr. Pérez Scremini, Centro Hemato-Oncológico Pediátrico
  • Ismael Rodríguez Grecco Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas, Unidad Bi-Institucional de Trasplante Hepático. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina, . Cátedra y Departamento de Medicina Transfusional. Director




Introduction: liver transplant is the only final treatment for chronic terminal liver disease and other conditions that have no alternative therapies. Bleeding and the hemocomponents consumption has been associated to reduction of graft survival and patient.
Objective: to evaluate results in hemocomponents consumption with the application of measures and techniques that aim to minimize bleeding. To estimate survival time.
Method: descriptive, observational, retrospective study of the first 31 patients who had undergone liver transplant. A chi square test was used to find the qualitative variables association, significance level α = 0.05, the Kaplan Meyer test was used to analyse survival.
Results: a score was designed to analyse hemocomponent consumption, no deplasmatized blood units were transfused in 5 patients (16.1%), and 1 to 4 deplasmatized blood units were consumed in 58.1%, with a 3.7 ± 0.6 average. A single patient (3.2%) was transplanted with no hemocomponent transfusion.
Upon six months, survival represents 81.3%, with a total of five events, 26 patients being alive towards the end of the study.
Conclusions: measures to diminish bleeding and transfusion requirements were effective. Results were acceptable, similar to those published globally.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Cantera A, Cerviño G, Silveira A, Rodríguez Grecco I. Techniques and measures geared to reducing bleeding and the consumption of hemocomponents in liver transplant: Evaluation of the first two years at the Bi-Institutional Transplant Unit in the Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy specialization. Results of the participation of the Transfusion Medicine Department on the indicatio of deplasmatized bloodduring heart surgery preoperative period. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];32(1):8-18. Available from:

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