Direct costs of diabetic foot treatment Diabetic Foot Department Clínicas Hospital UDELAR






On a global scale, a diabetic patient incurs healthcare expenses that are 2 to 3 times higher than those of a non-diabetic individual. Diabetic foot syndrome reduces the quality of life, increases morbidity and mortality, and places an economic burden on the healthcare system.
Objective: Communicating the research conducted on direct costs in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.
Method: Observational, descriptive, retrospective study of patients treated at the Foot Unit of the Hospital de Clínicas (UDELAR) between October 2014 and September 2016. Direct treatment costs for outpatient care and hospitalization were estimated using information from the medical records. The treatment horizon extended over a period of 3 months. Expenses were calculated in readjustable units, Uruguayan pesos (UYU), and United States dollars (USD). Expenses were updated to October 2022 using the Consumer Price Index (IPC) adjusted for the cumulative inflation rate.
Results: 49 patients were included in the study: 11 women and 38 men, average age was 61.5 years old. The overall expenditure exceeded 400,000 USD, with the highest cost attributed to hospitalization expenses. The average total expenditure per patient amounted to 8,799 USD. The cost of conventional treatment was 3,707.93 USD, major amputation represented USD 32,003.61, and minor amputation USD 12,385.34. Hospitalization expenses significantly exceeded those of outpatient care.  In the emergency department, 28 patients spent USD 4,396. The increase in costs by the year 2022 amounted to 37.45%, resulting in a total expenditure of UYU 16,682,993.4 (Uruguayan pesos) or USD 410,830.2.
Conclusions: It was the first assessment in our country to estimate diabetic foot costs. The cost of ulcer management imposes a significant and increasing economic burden.
The initial severity of the ulcer results in hospitalization which implies high associated costs.
Hospitalization and amputation costs constitute the most substantial economic expenditure.


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How to Cite

Orellano P, Sánchez L, Introini L, Torre W, Torres Negreira M, Cabrera M, et al. Direct costs of diabetic foot treatment Diabetic Foot Department Clínicas Hospital UDELAR. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];39(4):e202. Available from:

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