Informed consent

Critical analysis of its application in a surgical service


  • Daniel González González Hospital Maciel, Clínica Quirúrgica Quirúrgica 3, Ex Asistente. Médico cirujano. Médio legista
  • Hugo Rodríguez Almada Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Legal, Profesor Adjunto
  • Guido Berro Rovira Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Legal, Profesor Director




Informed consent constitutes an ethical and legal obligation for the doctor as well as a key point in the doctor-patient relationship.
There are two points that deserve different opinions, on the one hand, the quantity, quality and way of communicating the information to the patient and, on the other, the need to leave it documented. This last consideration does not imply the abandonment of the verbal information that is the basis of consent.
100 medical records of patients undergoing coordination and emergency general surgery procedures at Hospital Maciel in the period between April and June 2003 were analyzed, which include a pre-existing generic consent form not designed by us.
It was found that in 34 cases consent had not been requested in writing. On the other hand, when considering the opportunity for surgery (coordination, urgency), in 9 of the 41 coordinated operations and in 25 of the 59 operated urgently, they did not have it.
In turn, it was found that in eight cases for which they did have consent, there were errors in their performance.
As conclusions, the high percentage of surgical procedures in which informed consent in written form is not carried out is verified, and in those in which it is carried out, a series of conceptual and formal errors are found.
This allows us to state that there is still some ignorance and misunderstanding of its importance.


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How to Cite

González González D, Rodríguez Almada H, Berro Rovira G. Informed consent: Critical analysis of its application in a surgical service. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2005 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];21(4):291-7. Available from:

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