Medical bioethics

towards an academic status


  • Ariel Rodríguez Quereilhac Editorial committee


Bioethics, then, with more than 30 years of installed in the Western world, today requires its academic status and its adaptation - from this Uruguay - to clinical practice and research. Bioethics courses and chairs exist in several Latin American countries, where they have a long tradition: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, are examples of this.
The new government has proposed that ethics - and bioethics - committees should be created in all hospitals, public and private. But today there is not an adequate number of professionals and personalities with sufficient knowledge capable of disseminating knowledge of ethics and bioethics.
In our country, a bioethics course is taught within the course of the degree in nursing at the Catholic University. In our Faculty of Medicine, although it teaches courses within different subjects, bioethics has not yet reached the status that the times require.


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14) Consejo Editorial. Un logro significativo para la producción científica biomédica de Uruguay. Rev Med Urug 2005; 21: 253.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Quereilhac A. Medical bioethics: towards an academic status. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2006 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];22(1):3-5. Available from: