Obesity (ENSO 2 - Encuesta Nacional de Sobrepeso y Obesidad adultos) 18- 65 years old or older


  • Raúl Pisabarro Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Medicina Interna, Clínica Médica A, Profesor Agregado. Endocrinología y Metabolismo, ex Profesor Agregado
  • Mauricio Gutiérrez Pisabarro Centro Metabólico, Departamento de Estadística
  • Carlos Bermúdez Pisabarro Centro Metabólico, Departamento de ejercicio. Cardiólogo
  • Daniel Prendez Pisabarro Centro Metabólico, Departamento de Nutrición. Licenciado en Nutrición
  • Alicia Recalde Pisabarro Centro Metabólico, Departamento de obesidad
  • Yénica Chaftare Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Endocrinología. Ex Asistente
  • Aníbal Manfredi Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Cardiología. Profesor Adjunto




Introduction: obesity is a spreading epidemic that has high morbimortality rates for the general population and high cost for the national health system.
Objective: to evaluate prevalence of obesity, its co-morbilities and predisposing factors through the Second National Survey on Overweight and Obesity in Uruguay (ENSO 2) in people between 18 and 65 years, or older, carried out in 2006.
Methods: we conducted a transversal observational study over a representative group of the urban country, 91% of the total population. N= 900 (399 men and 501 women (women/man= 1.25). Subjects were interviewed, weighed and measured in their homes. We covered 10 out of the 19 territorial divisions in the country.
Results: in Uruguay, 54% of the adult population reaches or exceeds the 25 kg/m2 body mass index (BMI = body weight in kg / height in m2) and 20% = 30 kg /m2 BMI. One out of two Uruguayan adults is overweight or obese and one out of five is obese. We highlighted risk groups and opportunities for prevention. The study also examined the association between obesity and cardiometabolic diseases, which dramatically increase aligned with the BMI and the waist circumference, type 2 diabetes and stroke.
Conclusions: epidemic figures corresponding to obesity and its co-morbilities determine both high health risks for the general population, and high economic costs for our national health system.


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How to Cite

Pisabarro R, Gutiérrez M, Bermúdez C, Prendez D, Recalde A, Chaftare Y, et al. Obesity (ENSO 2 - Encuesta Nacional de Sobrepeso y Obesidad adultos) 18- 65 years old or older. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];25(1):14-26. Available from: https://revista.rmu.org.uy/index.php/rmu/article/view/475