New clinical or etiopathogenic forms of skin abnormalities recently described in Uruguay

The evolution of their knowledge after the original publications


  • Ismael A. Conti Díaz Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Instituto de Higiene, Departamento y Cátedra de Parasitología, Ex Profesor Director (1986-1996)


In the past decades, new clinical or etiopathogenic forms were described in our environment according to the case of skin conditions, three of an infectious nature and another of an irritative-allergic nature.
The main objective of this communication is to remember the original publications of each of them, exposing their evolution over time, in particular their confirmation by national or international authors and especially the enriching scientific contributions of their knowledge, revealed by the corresponding bibliographical research.
The objective mentioned is, we believe fully justified, for the need to refresh the memory of these pathologies in our academic, medical environment in particular, because they are low frequency entities that could very well go unnoticed or confused with conditions of different nature.


(1) Conti-Díaz IA, Torres de la Llosa LA. Dermatitis lineal de pantorrillas. Aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos e histopatológicos. Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am 1984; 12(3): 251-7.
(2) Cestau de Peluffo I, Conti Díaz IA, Civila E, Calegari L, Rotkier I, Pereira P. Micetoma por Scedosporium apiospermum (Petriellidium boydii) asociado a nocardiosis pulmonar, candidosis y dermatofitosis en un paciente inmunodeprimido. Dermatología (México) 1978; 22: 41-7.
(3) Civila ES, Conti Díaz IA, Vignale RA, Calegari LF. Onixis por Malassezia (Pityrosporum) ovalis. Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am 1982; 10(5): 343-6.
(4) Conti-Díaz IA, Rubio I, Somma Moreira RE, Pérez Bórmida G. Rickettsiosis cutáneo-ganglionar por Rickettsia conorii en el Uruguay.
(5) Conti-Díaz IA, Moraes-Filho J, Pacheco RC, Labruna MB.



How to Cite

Conti Díaz IA. New clinical or etiopathogenic forms of skin abnormalities recently described in Uruguay: The evolution of their knowledge after the original publications. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];25(2):131-2. Available from:



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