Revista Médica del Uruguay


  • José Fernando Dora PAHO / WHO representative in Uruguay


The progress made in terms of public health in the world, especially in the last century, has been extraordinary, which raised the life expectancy at birth of most of the villages in at least 20 to 30 years. When addressing the issue of health, in the population analyzed, these remarkable achievements must be kept in mind.
Uruguay is among the countries that have the best Human Development Index (HDI) in the Americas and occupies a prominent world position in this item. Its public health indicators also place it among the most advanced in the continent, with a population of 3,350,000 inhabitants, practically stabilized (annual growth rate of 0.3%).
The Medical Union of Uruguay has been among the first to claim the need for changes in medical care in the country, with the presentation of different and interesting proposals. These initiatives were joined by different national actors in the health and political sector.
We conclude by congratulating this prestigious Medical Journal of Uruguay, with which the SMU also fulfills a social commitment, transferring important and reliable technical and scientific information to society, while we welcome the opportunity to address this very relevant group, and Give due recognition.



How to Cite

Dora JF. Revista Médica del Uruguay. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];25(2):75-7. Available from: