The strategic association project and the continuing improvement of editorial policies for Revista Médica del Uruguay


  • Consejo Editorial


The year 2011 finds the Medical Magazine of Uruguay (RMU) consolidating its process of editorial progress.
Indeed, in this issue, No. 1 of Volume 27, some of these improvements decided by the Editorial Board are inaugurated.
The most relevant, without any doubt, is the incorporation of three new Scientific Societies to the project proposed by the RMU (1). This is the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Medicine (SUMI), the Uruguayan Society of Neonatology and Intensive Pediatrics (SUNPI) and the Uruguayan Society of Nephrology (SUN), which on March 29 formalized the agreement with the RMU, thus becoming associated entities. The three institutions joined the Gynecological Society of Uruguay (SGU), the first to adhere to the strategic partnership project, which seeks to concentrate efforts, optimize the performance of resources and make a qualitative leap in the visibility of national biomedical scientific production through progressive access to the most recognized databases (2,3).
We are convinced that the step taken by the SGU, the SUN, the SUNPI and the SUMI will be a stimulus for new journals and Scientific Societies to join this great common project that summons us.
On the other hand, it should be noted the satisfaction with the acceptance and the growing interest that motivates the RMU portal (, where the entire magazine collection is made available, in full text, in free of charge and without embargo period for the contents.
The policy is to make national production visible. All resources are intended to publicize the knowledge created by our researchers, without claims of return on investment, much less profit


(1) Consejo Editorial. Una propuesta abierta para visualizar más la producción biomédica nacional. Rev Méd Urug 2009; 25(4): 203-4.
(2) Consejo Editorial. Acuerdo entre Archivos de Ginecología y Obstetricia y Revista Médica del Uruguay: primer paso del proyecto estratégico de asociación de revistas biomédicas nacionales. Rev Méd Urug 2010; 26(2): 63-4.
(3) Consejo Editorial. Dos hechos destacables. Rev Méd Urug 2010; 26(3): 127-8.



How to Cite

Editorial C. The strategic association project and the continuing improvement of editorial policies for Revista Médica del Uruguay. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2011 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];27(1):3-4. Available from:

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