Idiopathic venous thromboembolic disease as initial manifestation of occult cancer

How ample should the paraclinic screening be for these patients?


  • Gerardo Pérez Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital de Clínicas, Departamento Clínico de Medicina, Clínica Médica C, Prof. Dr. J. Alonso Bao. Ex Asistente
  • Juan Alonso Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital de Clínicas, Departamento Clínico de Medicina, Clínica Médica C, Prof. Dr. J. Alonso Bao. Prof. Titular




Idiopathic venous thromboembolic disease is a common manifestation of an apparently occult cancer. This scenario is always a challenge for clinical physicians whom must select a diagnostic strategy in order to find this hidden tumor. The aim of this paper is, based on current knowledge, to recommend a scheme of study in an effort to diagnose the majority of the tumors and causing no iatrogenic disease. This review has a brief clinical vignette as a header which seeks only to illustrate a common clinical situation and place the reader in the context it refers. Then, available scientific evidence is reviewed to conceptualize the theoretical framework from which final recommendations emerge.


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How to Cite

Pérez G, Alonso J. Idiopathic venous thromboembolic disease as initial manifestation of occult cancer: How ample should the paraclinic screening be for these patients?. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2012 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];28(2):148-54. Available from:



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