Severe vulvar ulcers in adolescents, a report of clinical cases series






Introduction: genital ulcers are characterized by great clinical and etiological heterogeneity. They may correspond to infectious or non-infectious skin or systemic pathologies. Lipschütz ulcer and Behcet disease stand out among non-infectious conditions.
Objective: to describe four clinical cases of adolescents with non-infectious severe vulvar ulcers hospitalized in two institutions of the national integrated health system in Montevideo, with the purpose of providing professionals with tools for the adequate diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
Discussion: a detailed anamnesis questionnaire and a thorough physical examination are of the essence for an adequate diagnostic and therapeutic approach. The clinical analysis should include considering the patient’s age, initiation of sexual intercourse, the number, topography and characteristics of the ulcers including finding out whether there is pain or not, as well as the association of systemic manifestations. It is important to learn about this rather unusual condition in girls and adolescents, whose diagnostic and therapeutic approach depends on the etiological orientation based on well-defined epidemiological and clinical criteria. This will contribute to improving the quality of assistance and minimizing biological and psychological effects.


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How to Cite

Moreira L, García L, Casuriaga A, Giachetto G, Machín V. Severe vulvar ulcers in adolescents, a report of clinical cases series. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 4 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];35(4):325-31. Available from:

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