New technique for diagnosis and treatment of small intestine in Uruguay

First 20 double balloon enteroscopies


  • Federico De Simone Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Clínica de Gastroenterología. Ex Asistente. Mucam, Ce.V.En, Servicio de Endoscopia. Jefe
  • Pablo Machado Universidad de la República, Facultad de Medicina, Clínica de Gastroenterología. Ex Residente
  • Verónica Irisarri Mucam, Ce.V.En, Servicio de Endoscopia
  • Diego Pérez Mucam, Ce.V.En, Servicio de Endoscopia




Introduction: the capsule endoscopy video and the double balloon enteroscopy have dramatically changed diagnosis and treatment of small intestine pathologies.
Objective: to assess the diagnostic and therapeutic usefulness of double balloon enteroscopy in small intestine diseases.
Patients, material and method: we conducted a retrospective, descriptive study on the first 20 double balloon enteroscopies performed in our endoscopy service. Patients were referred for suspicion of small intestine pathology, and they had previous endoscopic exams or imagenology. An EN-450, 2,000 mm long Fujinon and TS-12140 overtube videoenteroscopy was used.
Results: 20 double balloon enteroscopies were performed in 19 patients (14 men, average age was 58.6 years old). Oral approach was chosen in 15 procedures and the anal in four, a patient required double approach. The most frequent indication was search for intestine bleeding of unknown origin, and the most common finding was angiodysplasias, which were treated with argon gas coagulation.
Conclusions: double balloon enteroscopies is a useful and necessary tool for the diagnosis and treatment of small intestine pathologies, and we were able to provide our patients with a therapy solution that was not available until recently.


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How to Cite

De Simone F, Machado P, Irisarri V, Pérez D. New technique for diagnosis and treatment of small intestine in Uruguay: First 20 double balloon enteroscopies. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];31(2):92-6. Available from: