Ten years of experience from a reference center in pulmonary arterial hypertension in Uruguay







Introduction: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) is a clinical condition that leads to failure in the right ventricle and death. The epidemiology of patients with pulmonary hypertension was characterized in a reference center in Uruguay.
Method: 52 patients with a diagnose of invasive pulmonary hypertension (January 2006-December 2016) were included in the study. Risk was estimated by means of a four variable model (functional class, functional capacity, distance covered in six minutes, right atrium pressure and cardiac output). Values of 1, 2 and 3 were allocated (low, medium and high risk respectively) to each variable (ESC/ERS 2015 PAH guidelines). Risk was categorized by rounding the numbers to the closest integer value of the average of the addition of values allocated for each variable.
Results: age ranged 46±2 years old, 85% of patients were women. Idiopathic hypertension, PAH associated to congenital heart disease (PAH-CHD) and PAH associated to connective tissue diseases (PAH-CTD) prevailed. Patients with PAH-CHD evidenced the greatest distance covered in 6 minutes and the lowest proportion of FC III/IV (p <0.05).
Survival was lowet in the PAH-CTD (p =0.069). Mortality after one year was 0%, 6% and 20% for patients with low (n=17), intermediate (n=28) and high (n=7) risk, respectively, regardless of age, sex and subgroup of PAH. 51% of patients with intermediate and high risk received combined treatment.
Conclusions: the characteristics and survival of patients with PAH of a reference center in Uruguay were analysed in the study. The risk model allowed the discrimination of the patients’ mortality. 51% of patients with intermediate and high risk received combined treatment.


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How to Cite

Gruss AI, Pascal G, Chao C, Janssen B, Bedó C, Salisbury JP, et al. Ten years of experience from a reference center in pulmonary arterial hypertension in Uruguay. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 16 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];35(3):193-202. Available from: https://revista.rmu.org.uy/index.php/rmu/article/view/117

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