Use of ultrasound as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool in thoracic surgery






Objective: To present the use of ultrasound guidance to perform thorax biopsies and place drainages, whether pleural or pericardial.
Method: A total of 124 ultrasound-guided procedures were performed at the Thoracic Institute, Maciel Hospital, from January 2014 to August 2022.
Results: The results were assessed based on age group, type of procedure, and diagnostic yield in the ultrasound-guided procedures. There were 69 diagnostic punctures, 48 ultrasound-guided pleural drainage placements, and 7 pericardial drainages.
Conclusions: The performance of ultrasound-guided thoracic procedures are a safe diagnostic and therapeutic tool with excellent efficacy and minimal complications.


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How to Cite

Muto M, Palacio P, Mendy C, Delgado D, Arechavaleta N, Bruno G. Use of ultrasound as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool in thoracic surgery. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];39(4):e203. Available from: