Surgical experience at the Specialized Center for the Treatment of Skin Diseases (CETEP) at Pereira Rossell Hospital from 1996 to 2019






Cutaneous tumors have a high prevalence in dermatology worldwide, with benign tumors being more common than malignant ones. Nevertheless, the latter are more extensively studied due to their associated morbidity and mortality.  The main objective of this study was to identify the primary diagnoses and corresponding surgical techniques developed at the Center for the Treatment of Skin Diseases (CETEP) between 1996 and 2019, while assessing clinical and demographic aspects. A retrospective, observational study was conducted, including all patients with cutaneous lesions and subsequent surgical resolution of the same. In the analyzed sample (N 6659), there was a predominance of females (68%), and the mean age was 53 ± 21 years. The majority of patients resided in Montevideo (58%). Benign tumors were the most prevalent (41%), followed by malignant tumors (28%), with the latter comprising basal cell carcinoma (BCC) at 66%, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) at 21%, and melanoma (MM) at 5%. The performed surgical techniques included conventional surgeries (57%), primarily using the lozenge method (93%), followed by dermatologic surgery procedures (42%), with a predominance of biopsies (52%) and shave excision with electrocoagulation (23%).  It is noteworthy that CETEP resolved a greater number of patients from external centers than from its own hospital, Pereira Rossell Hospital Center (CHPR). 59% non-CHPR vs. 41% CHPR. In conclusion, this study provided national information on the epidemiology of various cutaneous tumors, as well as the most commonly employed surgical techniques in their resolution Furthermore, it emphasized the importance of dermatologic surgery and highlighted the capacity of CETEP to respond to both its own patients and those referred from other centers within the public healthcare system.


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How to Cite

Monaco M, Casanova M, Otero G. Surgical experience at the Specialized Center for the Treatment of Skin Diseases (CETEP) at Pereira Rossell Hospital from 1996 to 2019. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];40(1):e201. Available from: